SSC Stenographer is Staff Selection Commission Stenographer. It is a national-level competitive entrance exam.
It is held to recruit candidates for General Central Service Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ Non-Gazetted posts in various Central Government Ministries/Departments in different States & Union Territories.
In this article, we discussed a thorough exam syllabus, exam patterns, and the best book to prepare for the SSC Stenographer Exam 2023 Examination.
Candidates must fulfil the following criteria to be eligible for the SSC Stenographer in 2023:
- Age: Stenographer Grade C- 18 to 30 years, Stenographer Grade D- 18 to 27 years
- Education Qualification- 10+2 or equivalent from a recognized University/Institution
- Nationality: Indian, Nepal, Bhutan
- Number of Attempts: No limit
SSC Stenographer Exam Pattern 2023
It consists of two stages:
- Computer Based Test
- Skill Test
SSC Stenographer Computer based test Exam Pattern
- General Intelligence & Reasoning
Total No. Questions- 50
Total Marks allotted- 50 - General Awareness
Total No. Questions- 50
Total Marks allotted- 50 - English Language and Comprehension
Total No. Questions- 100
Total Marks allotted- 100
Time duration- 2 hours
Marking Scheme
- Candidates will get one mark for each correct answer
- For incorrect response, 0.25 marks are deducted
General Intelligence and Reasoning
Analogy, Similarities & Differences, Space Visualization, Problem-Solving, Analysis, Judgement, Decision Making, Visual Memory, Discriminating Observation, Coding-Decoding, Puzzle, Venn Diagram, Direction & Distance, Blood Relation, Order & Ranking, Number Series, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the SSC Stenography Exam’s General Intelligence & Reasoning sections.
General Awareness
Static Awareness, Current Affairs, Science & Technology, History, Culture, Geography, Economic scene, General polity, Scientific research, Indian constitution, Sports
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the SSC Stenography Exam’s General Awareness sections.
English Language
Reading Comprehension, Synonyms & Antonyms, Fill in the Blanks, Spellings, Phrases & Idiom Meaning, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect Speech, Para Jumble & Sentence Jumble, Phrase Replacement/ Sentence Correction, Error Spotting
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the SSC Stenography Exam’s English Language sections.
Number of Pages: 724
By R S Aggarwal
Vikas Aggarwal