RSMSSB VDO is a test conducted by the Rajasthan Staff Selection Board for the recruitment of village development officers. Village Development Officers or Gram Vikas Adhikari are persons who are responsible for maintaining peace and order, to registering the grievances of village people. Other roles are to certify the utilization of various funds allocated to Gram Sabha for the welfare of the people of the village.
Detailed Exam Syllabus, Exam Patterns, and the Best Book for Rajasthan VDO Exam 2023 Examination Preparation were all addressed in this article.
Candidates will need to fulfill the criteria given below in order to be eligible to sit the Rajasthan VDO Exam in 2023:
- Age: 18 – 40 years
- Education Qualification: Graduate in any discipline or equivalent.
Computer O Level Certificate Courses
ITI COPA Certificate / Diploma in Computer Application
RS-CIT Certification - Nationality: Indian
RSMSSB VDO Exam Pattern 2023
Prelims Exam Pattern
- The maximum mark that can be scored in the examination is 100 marks.
- The time allotted for the examination is 2 Hours or 120 Minutes.
- The examination is conducted in the form of Multiple-Choice Questions.
- All the questions carry 1 mark each.
- It is compulsory to score more than 40% marks in the examination.
Mains Exam Pattern
- The questions would be in the MCQ form.
- For every incorrect answer, there is a negative marking of 1/3 marks.
- A total of 120 questions shall be asked and the total weightage for the paper will be 100 marks.
- The duration shall be 2 hours.
- The exam will be conducted in Objective Type.
RSMSSB VDO Exam Syllabus 2023
Current Affairs
Top current government topics, events, and sports at the state, national and international levels.
The Geography and Natural Resources
Detailed physical features of the world, important places, mountains and oceans, Ecology and wildlife of India, The natural geography of Rajasthan, Climate, vegetation, and soil area of Rajasthan, Detailed physical area, population, unemployment, poverty, drought in Rajasthan, Problems of famine and desertification in Rajasthan
Natural Resources of Rajasthan: Mines and Minerals, Forests, Land and Water, Animal Resources, Wildlife and Conservation in Rajasthan
History and Culture
Ancient, Medieval, Modern History, Folk Dance, Theatre, Songs, Architecture, Literature, Literary Movements
Agriculture and economic development with special reference to India and Rajasthan
Food and commercial crops of Rajasthan, Agro-based industries of Rajasthan, Major irrigation and river valley projects in Rajasthan, Projects for the development of desert and barren land in Rajasthan, Major industries in Rajasthan, Tribes and their economy in Rajasthan
General mental ability
Alphabet, Blood relation, Calendar, Cause and effect, Syllogism, Analogy
Reasoning and analytical aptitude
Coding and Decoding, Mathematical Operations, Relationships, Calendar, Clock, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data interpretation, Similarities and Dissimilarities, Alphabetic and Number Series
Mathematics, Hindi, and English
Grammar (Noun, Pronoun, Subject -Verb -Agreement, Tense, Adjective, Articles)
Grammar (Noun, Pronoun, Subject-verb -Agreement,Tense, Adjective, Articles)
Age Calculation, Elementary Statistics
Mensuration, BODMAS, Ratio and Proportion, Time and Work, Percentage, Algebra, Compound Interest, Geometry and Trigonometry
Administrative set up in Rajasthan at various levels like the state, district, tehsil, and panchayat levels
Local Administration of Rajasthan, Panchayati Raj of Rajasthan
Basic knowledge of computer
Microsoft Office, Computer Network, Computer Fundamentals, Input and Output Devices, Components of Computer
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the Rajasthan VDO Exam sections
Culture, Literature, Tradition, History, Art & Heritage of Rajasthan
Geography of Rajasthan and Indian Geography Books
General Knowledge
Logical Reasoning
General Hindi
General English