Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Exam is conducted by The Rajasthan High Court to recruit Civil Judges in Rajasthan Judiciary. The exam is conducted in three phases like other judicial service exams.The RJS Civil Judge has a very lucrative salary.
This post provides a thorough Exam Syllabus, Exam Patterns, and the Best Book for the Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Exam 2023 Examination Preparation.
Candidates will need to fulfill the criteria given below in order to be eligible to sit the Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Exam in 2023:
- Age: 23 – 35 years
- Education Qualification: A candidate must hold a Bachelor of Law (Professional) degree from a Law University.
- Nationality: Indian
Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Exam Pattern 2023
It consists of two phases:
- Prelim Exam
- Main Exam
Prelim Exam Pattern
- The examination will be a multiple-choice examination.
- Law Paper-I and Law Paper-II
Total Questions: 70 - Hindi and English language
Total Questions: 30 - Total Time Duration- 02 hours
- Total Marks – 100
- Marks per Questions: 01
- No negative marking
Main Exam Pattern
- Law
Paper-I – Civil Law
Paper 2 – Criminal Law
Maximum Marks- 100
Time Duration- 03 hours
- Language
Paper I – Hindi Essay
Paper 2 – English Essay
Maximum Marks- 50
Time Duration- 02 hours
Tenses, Articles and Determiners, Antonyms – Synonyms, Active Voice – Passive Voice, Phrasal Verbs & Idioms, Direct Speech – Indirect Speech, Modals expressing various concepts – (Obligation, Request, Permission, Intention, Condition, Prohibition, Probability, Possibility, Purpose, Reason, Companions, Contrast), Coordination Subordination, Legal Maxims
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Exam’s English section
Number of Pages: 724
By R S Aggarwal
Vikas Aggarwal
General Hindi
Tenses, Articles and Determiners, Antonyms – Synonyms, Active Voice – Passive Voice, Phrasal Verbs & Idioms, Direct Speech – Indirect Speech, Modals expressing various concepts – (Obligation, Request, Permission, Intention, Condition, Prohibition, Probability, Possibility, Purpose, Reason, Companions, Contrast), Coordination Subordination, Legal Maxims
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Exam’s General Hindi section
Law Paper-I
The Constitution of India, Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Law of Contract & Partnership, 1872,The Indian Evidence Act, 1872, The Limitation Act, 1963, The Rajasthan Rent Control Act & Revenue Laws, 2001, The Specific Relief Act, of 1963, Hindu Law, Muslim Law, The Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Interpretation of Statutes, General Rules (Civil) & Order/Judgment Writing
Law Paper-II
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973,Law of Evidence, 1872,The Indian Penal Code, 1860,Law on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Law on Juvenile Delinquency, 2015,The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (Chapter XVII), Law of Probation of Offenders, 1958, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, Framing of Charges (Criminal) & Judgment Writing
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the Rajasthan High Court Civil Judge Exam’s Law section
Hindi and English Essay
Rajasthan and its culture, Legal Topics, Contemporary socio-economic issues, Current Affairs and relevant news articles