The Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) invites applications from eligible candidates for the post of Scientific Assistant.
The Best Book for Studying for the 2023 JSSC Scientific Assistant Test is listed in this post together with the Whole Exam Syllabus, Exam Patterns, and Reference Materials.
To be eligible for the 2023 JSSC Scientific Assistant Test, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Age: 18-45 years
- Education Qualification: Applicants must Pass M.Sc/B.Sc from the recognized Organization/Board.
- Nationality: Indian
JSSC Scientific Assistant Exam Pattern 2023
- General Studies
- Knowledge Related to Jharkhand
Number of Questions: 30
Marks: 90 - General Science
- General Mathematics
- Mental Ability Test
Number of Questions: 20
Marks: 60
Duration: 2 hours
General Studies
Current Affairs, Scientific Progress, National / International Awards, Indian Languages, Books, Script, Capital, Currency, Sports, Important Events, History of India, culture, geography, environment, economic scenario, independence movement, salient features of Indian agriculture and natural resources and constitution and polity of India, the political system of the country, Panchayati Raj, community development, five-year plan, General information about the geographical location and political situation of the state of Jharkhand.
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the JSSC Scientific Assistant Exam’s General Studies section
Number of Pages: 424
By Disha Experts
General Science
Physics – Units and measurement, Force and motion, Electrostatics, Electromagnetic induction, magnetism, Ray optics, wave optics, etc.
Chemistry – Elements and compounds, Periodic table, Metals and nonmetals, Redox reactions, Electrochemistry, Environmental chemistry, organic chemistry, etc.
Biology – Classification of the cell, human body, proteins and vitamins, digestive system, human reproductive system, etc.
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the JSSC Scientific Assistant Exam’s General Science section
Number of Pages: 400
By Disha Experts
Number of Pages: 424
By Sachin Bhaske
General Mathematics
Mathematics, Elementary Algebra, Geometry, General Trigonometry, and Mensuration. (10th class level)
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the JSSC Scientific Assistant Exam’s Mathematics section
Number of Pages: 548
By Dr. R.S. Aggarwal
Mental Ability Test
Analogy, Similarities and Differences, Space Imagination, Problem-Solving, Analysis, Visual Memory, Differentiation, Observation, Relationship Concept, Numerical Reasoning, Numerical Number Series Code Writing and Code Interpretation etc.
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the JSSC Scientific Assistant Exam’s Mental Ability section
Knowledge Related to Jharkhand
Geography, History, Civilization, Culture, Language-Literature, Location, Mines, Minerals, Industry, Contribution of Jharkhand in the National Movement, Development Plans, Sports Players, Personality, Civil Achievements, Topics of National and International Importance etc.
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the JSSC Scientific Assistant Exam’s Knowledge related to the Jharkhand State section
By Dr. Zaki Akhtar, Kanchan Choudhary, Sunny Raj