Jammu & Kashmir Service Selection Board (JKSSB) conducts the state-level competitive exams for the post of Junior Engineer to recruit all the vacancies of the government across the state
The Best Book for Studying for the 2023 JKSSB Junior Engineer is listed in this post together with the Whole Exam Syllabus, Exam Patterns, and Reference Materials.
The following requirements must be met by applicants in order to be qualified to take the JKSSB Junior Engineer Exam Test in 2023:
- Age: 18-40 years
- Education Qualification: Three years Diploma in Civil/Mechanical Engineering
Degree in Civil Engineering
AMIE Section (A&B) India. - Nationality: Indian
JKSSB Junior Engineer Exam Pattern 2023
- Technical Subject
Number of Questions: 120
Marks Allotted: 120
For every incorrect answer, there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks.
Electrical Circuits and Fields, Control Systems, Electrical and Electronic Measurements, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Digital Electronics and Microprocessor, Power Electronics and Drives, Electrical Machines, Power Systems
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You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the Exam Electrical Section.
Number of Pages: 648
By Prithwiraj Purkait
Budhaditya Biswas
Chiranjib Koley
Surveying, Mechanics and Structural Analysis, RCC Structures, Soil Mechanics, Social Studies, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering, Water supply and wastewater Engineering, Highway Engineering, Railway Engineering, Constructional Planning Management
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You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the Exam Civil Section.
Number of Pages: 682
Theory of Machines and Machine Design, Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials, Thermal Engineering and Refrigeration & Air-conditioning, Fluid Mechanics & Machinery, Material Science & Production Engineering, Metrology and Automobile Engineering, Industrial Management and CAD/CAM
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You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the JKSSB Mechanical Section.