A complete Exam Syllabus, Exam Patterns, and the best-recommended books for Preparing for the HSSC Patwari Exam
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) conducted the Patwari exam for recruitment in Haryana state.
The Best Book for Studying for the 2023 HSSC Patwari is listed in this post together with the Whole Exam Syllabus, Exam Patterns, and Reference Materials.
To be eligible for the 2023 HSSC Patwari Test, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Age: 17-42 years
- Education Qualification: Graduate or its equivalent examination to be passed by the candidate from a recognized University.
- Nationality: Indian
HSSC Patwari Exam Pattern
- Written Examination
- Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience
HSSC Patwari Exam Syllabus
Analogies, Similarities and differences, Spatial visualization, Spatial orientation, Problem-solving, Analysis, Judgmen, Decision making, Visual memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship concepts, Arithmetic Reasoning, Verbal and figure classification, Arithmetical number series, Non-verbal series, Coding and decoding, Statement conclusion, Syllogistic reasoning
General Awareness
Current Events – Haryana, National, International, History of India & Haryana, Geography of India & Haryana, General Politics, Indian Constitution, Science & Technology, Culture & Heritage of India & Haryana, Social Events related to Haryana & India etc.
Percentages, Mixture and Allegation, Profit & Loss, Discount, Square roots, Ratio and Proportion, Interest, Averages, Trigonometric ratio, Circle and its chords, Time & work, Quadrilaterals, Time and distance, Regular Polygons, Graphs of Linear Equations, Standard Identities etc.
Computer Awareness
Basic of Computers, Computer Organization, Generations of computer, Input & Output Device, Shortcuts & Basic knowledge MS word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, Memory Orientation, Internet, LAN, WAN, Modem, Computer Abbreviations, Modern-day Technology, Remember short cut Tricks of MS Word, MS Excel & Computer Abbreviations.
Indian and foreign indigenous, Multiple Words, Verbs, Synonym & Antonyms Word, Spelling, Inaccuracies (Hindi Language), Idioms & Phrases, Treaty compound, Formulation of a word for Phrase, Proverbs and Idioms, Word Form, Sense, Hindi alphabet & Punctuation, Word composition, Sentence Modification
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the HSSC Patwari Exam section
General Awareness
Number of Pages: 688
By R S Aggarwal
Number of Pages: 688
By R S Aggarwal
Number of Pages: 548
By Dr. R.S. Aggarwal
Number of Pages: 300
By Disha Experts